Monday, November 15, 2010

New Look. Same Old Me.

It has been a while since I posted. Real life kind of took over my world for a while, and I have been trying to get everything done.

We finished the Farmers Market Season, and I immediately signed up for the Master Composter Course, taught by the Michigan State University Extension Office.

That was a great course, and I learned a whole bunch of things I never knew before.

I can now tell you more about the sex life of worms than most people have any desire to ever know.

I'm happy to report that the main instructor in that course read over my composting tutorial, and, with a few minor changes, she pronounced it accurate. That was exciting. So much so, that I will probably be printing it off in a hard copy form.

I wanted to give my blog a bit of a face lift, to reflect the new direction it has taken.

I will be bringing my focus back to herbs and gardening, although I will probably throw in some thrifting finds, and dumpster dive finds from time to time.

As we continue to develop our herb business, I will be looking to form a panel of a few readers who are willing to try new products that we develop and give us honest feedback on them.

Our products will range from bath and beauty products to cooking and culinary products. But all of them will have, as a critical component, one of our herbs.

If you think you may be interested in helping us out, by testing a new product, and answering some questions about it, please send me an email to:

I am also excited because I will be having a giveaway, later this week. Please watch for that.

Please let me know how you like the new look.



  1. Welcome back Troy! So glad to see you returning to your passion! Herbs, gardening and some thrifting! I like the new look!!

  2. Congrats on all of this!! Sounds like you have been and will be busy, busy...
