Welcome to Tuesday Trivia Tie-in, where I invite and encourage everyone to join, with a post about something they find interesting.
My posts are usually about one of the ties in my collection, but yours can be about anything!I only ask that you include some little known information that relates to your topic.
This post is unusual, because I am going to talk about a tie that isn't mine. Two ties in fact.
Last week Diann and I were out adventuring, and we stopped at a little diner.
There was a Giant chicken out front.
The food was pretty good, big portions, reasonable prices, everything one would expect from a little drive in kind of place in a small town.
But the decor was what pushed it over the top for me.
Bingo sat down, looked around, and promptly pointed to one wall, and informed me that there were ties.
What have we done to this child? She notices the strangest things...
But she was correct, there were ties.
The entire dining room was decorated with Three Stooges paraphernalia, and in one corner was this:
That's right, ties.
Now these aren't mine, and I don't have any idea where they came from or who made them, but they were hanging, just as proud as could be, in plain sight, begging to be photographed.
So here they are.
And now, for some information about the Three Stooges:
Over their 53 year span, 1922-1975, there were actually 8 different "Stooges" The most well known are Larry, Moe and Curly. Moe, and Curly were brothers.
Their other Brother Shemp, was originally teamed up with Larry and Moe, but left the act over some differences between himself and their manager, Ted Healy, himself a member of the original act, Ted Healy and His Stooges.
When Shemp left, Moe's Brother Curly joined. He got the nickname after he shaved his head, because Ted told him he didn't look funny.
After Curly died, Shemp returned for a while, but died himself three years later. He was sixty years old at the time.
Joe Besser replaced Shemp, and for a while life was good, but as the demand for "short" films dropped off, the stooges were running out of work, Joe's wife had some medical problems, so Joe withdrew from the act.
But, because the TV stations were playing the stooges films as "reruns" they suddenly gained a new popularity, and needed a third stooge. Joe DeRita joined the act, and, because his bald head resembled Curly's, and to differentiate him from Joe Besser, he was called Curly-Joe.
When Larry suffered a stroke, he was replaced by Emil Sitka, the least known stooge. Emil appeared in publicity shots, and plans were underway for a movie, but Moes death in 1975 ultimately ended the Three Stooges. Emil never actually performed on film as a stooge.
In addition to 27 full length movies, the Stooges made 190 short films. Sony owns the right to those films and has slowly released them over time. It wasn't until June of 2010 that all of the 190 films was available to the public.
And finally, on a personal note, I have never seen a Three Stooges film. I could not identify any of them from their pictures, if asked. I have seen a few short (3-5 minutes) glimpses of them from time to time, but have never watched a film, even one of their "shorts" all the way through.
OK, now it's your turn, Join me with a post about something you enjoy, and be sure to include a bit of little known information that relates.
And don't forget to enter my giveaway, check it out here
Please link to your post and not your main blog.
Troy I am so cracking up! What have you done to this child is right! She notices "Ties" and bargains....love it. Funny ties glad you took some photos. Afraid I am not a fan of the 3 Stooges...just not my cup of tea! Have a great vacation!